December 1st - Girl's tree all decorated!
Supplies Day One:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 2nd - My niece opening her boxes! (advent calendar)
Supplies Day Two:
Additional supplies: Advent Calendar from Silhouette (no longer available) brads from and ribbon from local craft store; VersaMagic white cloud archival ink to stamp on photo.
------------------------------------------------------------------------On day three I decided to change things a bit to make it "easier" or "faster" to create my pages. I added more photos and had them printed at Costco instead of me printing at home. I additionally came across Ali Edwards December daily and the files she created and sells (for my right page) called overlays, but do not feel comfortable purchasing online a download file not paying with Paypal... I tried and tried and decided to create my own using Microsoft Word 2010 (I still want hers because hers comes in different formats that you can use with Photoshop or Elements and "embed" your picture in it....but for now this will do.
Supplies Day Three:
Additional supplies: Stamps (do not know the vendor of the number stamps); red Memento ink and VersaMagic white cloud archival ink to stamp on photo.
Day 4 - My daughter's favorite breakfast place and ridding Dad!I found the restaurant files online and printed on my printer. I even took a screen shot of my daughter's favorite waffle on the menu.
Supplies Day Four:
------------------------------------------------------------------December 5th and 6th - a recap of my experience participating in a 12 Days of Christmas and Here We Come A Caroling Blog Hops
Supplies Day Five and Six:
----------------------------------------------------------------------December 7th - My babies just received their boxes for their advent calendar that I sent priority mail and should have arrived on December 1st!! --- And my niece at home enjoying her advent calendar!
Supplies Day Seven:
Thanks for visiting!
I would like to invite you on January 6th
for our second annual Reyes Magos/Wise Men Hop!
It will be a short but sweet hop!